This blog has been created as a tool to encourage students to engage in recreational reading. Through social discussion, students gain better insight and comprehension.


Pop- Korman

Marcus Jordan had just moved to a new town and already he has been to the police station three times. His mother is not very happy with him. Well, what's a guy to do? He really hadn't done anything wrong except became friends with Charlie. Charlie was the prankster and only the best football player that Marcus had ever seen. Marcus learned more about taking a hit and making a tackle from Charlie then he had from any of his coaches.
Marcus shows up for high school football try-outs ready to play. He has been working on his passing game and thanks to Charlie he is no longer afraid of taking hits on the field. The only problem is that this high school team went undefeated and they have no intention of letting an outsider mess up their chance for a repeat this season. There is certainly no way that their number 1 quarterback is going to accept that Marcus wants to take his position away from him. When his girlfriend shows interest in Marcus the intensity grows and when he learns that Marcus knows Charlie...the war is on!

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