This blog has been created as a tool to encourage students to engage in recreational reading. Through social discussion, students gain better insight and comprehension.


Remembering Raquel- VandeVelde

Remembering Raquel
Remembering Raquel by Vivan VandeVelde is a story of a young girl's death and how she is remembered by those who loved her, and even some who didn't. Raquel's death was accidental, or was it? We are left wondering about that. We also meet classmates who never took the time to acknowledge Raquel in life who are all the sudden her best friends. The story is authentic, people do react to death differently. The ending feels incomplete, random, like the author didn't know where to go with the story after a certain point.

1 comment:

Anne Onymous said...

I completely disagree! The ending of R. R. felt very final and "right" to me. The whole idea is that we never actually get to know Raquel through her own words, and the butterfly project shows the variety of different emotions that were conveyed in the story in one big collage. What is there to tell after everyone's given their share? Anything more added to the book would have ruined the effect of it.